Is the water flosser really good?

Publish Time: 2023-07-20     Origin: Site

Is the water flosser really good?

Many friends do not have enough people to buy oral irrigator (also known as oral irrigator). The interest in flosser stems from the expectation that they will provide better oral cleaning and care. However, the current situation shows that flosser still has some potential drawbacks and contraindications. In addition, there are a lot of negative comments about water flosser company online, which has led many people to question: Is water flosser company good for your teeth?

1. Four great benefits of dental flosser for your mouth

At present, there are a lot of negative comments about dental oral irrigator company on the Internet, which makes many people suspicious, and even regard it as an "IQ tax". Therefore, many people are wondering, should they buy water flosser supplier, water flosser is good for teeth?
According to statistics, more than 90% of the adult population in China suffers from dental disease, which reflects the relatively poor oral health of our people. Traditional oral cleaning tools often fail to achieve the desired results, so dentists recommend oral irrigator.


The benefits of water flosser supplier are as follows:


Benefit 1: Make up for the toothbrush's cleaning blind spot. Traditional toothbrushes have some hard-to-reach cleaning blind spots, such as gum lines and roots. These areas take up nearly 40% of the mouth area and are prone to accumulating residue and soft dirt, which can lead to plaque formation and dental disease. Cordless water flosser can easily clean these hard-to-reach areas, rinse away residue and soft dirt, effectively prevent plaque formation, and improve oral health.

Benefit 2: Promote oral blood circulation. Chewing food for a long time can cause masseter soreness and gum fatigue. Cordless water flosser gently gargles, similar to massaging the gums, to relieve gum fatigue, promote blood circulation in the mouth, and improve the self-healing ability of periodontal tissue.


Benefit 3: Help orthodontic people clean. Cordless water flosser can easily clean the small gap between the braces and the teeth, reduce the pressure of the braces on the gums, improve gum health, and relieve bleeding problems.


Benefit 4: Freshen breath and whiten teeth: Oral diseases and inadequate oral cleaning can lead to problems such as bad breath and discoloration of teeth. Cordless water flosser can effectively remove the residue and plaque on the surface of the teeth, keep the mouth clean, thereby improving bad breath and whitening the teeth.
2. Three disadvantages of oral irrigator supplier


Is irrigator dental good for your teeth? irrigator dental has its advantages in the field of oral health care, but we must also be aware of the potential harm it can cause. Before considering buying water flosser vendor, we need to fully understand these risks.


In China, most people have a low level of oral health (see figure below), and oral health problems are common. There are no obvious symptoms in the early stages of dental disease, making it difficult to detect. By the time we are aware of the problem, oral irrigator vendor may have caused serious damage to our teeth. In addition, random choice of irrigator dental can introduce a number of disadvantages that can damage teeth.


Oral irrigator vendor has three main disadvantages:


Disadvantage 1: gum irritation, causing gum recession.
Dental oral irrigator can irritate the gums and cause the gum tissue to shrink.


Disadvantage # 2: Worn teeth. Dental oral irrigator use may also exacerbate damage to the dentin, leading to tooth sensitivity and pain.


Disadvantage 3: aggravating oral diseases. If you use poor quality water flosser bulk or use it incorrectly, it can also worsen the symptoms of oral disease and cause new problems.


Three, four reasons to analyze the harm of dental water flosser bulk!




After you know the answer to the question "Is dental oral irrigator good for your teeth?" and the hidden dangers of dental oral irrigator, you may be wondering why oral irrigator bulk hurts your teeth.


Cause 1. Use low-priced, low-quality products. Because low-cost oral irrigator dental uses cheap materials and simple manufacturing processes, the pressure and flow of its water jet often cannot be precisely controlled. This can cause the water flow to be too strong or too weak to provide a proper cleaning effect. In addition, the nozzles and nozzles of low-cost oral irrigator bulk may not be properly designed to adequately cover various areas of the mouth, resulting in some areas not being cleaned effectively while others may be unduly affected. In addition, due to the durability and stability of low-cost water flosser is poor, there may be problems such as water leakage, blockage or sudden stop, which will bring trouble to users.


Cause 2. Product compatibility is poor, Chinese oral tolerance is low. Poor oral irrigator dental compatibility means that oral irrigator dental is not fully compatible with the oral structures and conditions of different populations. Oral structure varies from individual to individual, including the arrangement of teeth and the health of periodontal tissue. Many water flosser manufacturer designs on the market may not meet the needs of all oral structures, Resulting in the use of the process can not provide a uniform and effective cleaning effect. Secondly, the low oral tolerance of Chinese people means that many people have relatively poor oral health and are more sensitive to external stimuli. Oral health problems are common, such as gingivitis and periodontal disease. In this case, the use of poorly compatible water flosser manufacturer may further irritate and exacerbate existing oral problems, resulting in damage to the teeth and periodontal tissue.


Cause 3. Believe in gimmicks like quick whitening. First, rapid whitening of teeth requires the use of specialized whitening products such as bleach or tooth whitening kits. Secondly, calculus is a hard stone formed after the long-term accumulation of dental plaque, which requires the dentist to use professional tools to remove. The flow of water flosser may not be effective in removing the hard tartar and therefore will not completely remove the tartar problem. In addition, bad breath can have a variety of causes, including oral bacteria, oral diseases, digestive problems, and more. Water flosser can help clean the mouth and reduce bacteria and residue in the mouth, but it can't eradicate the root cause of bad breath. Finally, gingivitis and periodontitis are oral inflammatory diseases that require a comprehensive treatment plan, including regular oral cleaning, dental cleaning, medication, etc. WSater flosser manufacturer can help with oral hygiene, but it is not a substitute for professional treatment. In short, the main role of dental water flosser factory is to assist oral cleaning and play a certain role in oral health care. 
Cause 4. Blindly pursue cleanliness. Many people mistakenly believe that more influence is better. However, the mouth has its own tolerance, exceeding this tolerance can lead to a series of problems. When the impact strength of dental water flosser factory exceeds the ability of the mouth to withstand, it may cause some uncomfortable symptoms, such as bleeding gums and sore teeth. This is because oral tissues are very fragile and sensitive, and excessive impact can damage them. In more severe cases, excessive impact force can lead to serious oral problems such as gum recession and periodontitis. Some merchants take advantage of consumers' blind understanding of water flosser factory, constantly increasing the influence of products, and use its cleaning effect to attract consumers to choose their products.


4. Another cause of harm - the taboo of oral irrigator manufacturer in groups


In fact, not only can unprofessional products cause harm, But friends who are not suitable for oral irrigator manufacturer can also cause harm if they oral irrigator manufacturer. The following three categories are not suitable for oral irrigator factory. Please seriously consider whether you belong to one of the following groups.


1. People with specific medical conditions: For people with specific oral conditions, such as mouth ulcers, gingivitis, or oral infections, oral irrigator factory may worsen symptoms or cause infections to spread.




2. People with severe periodontal disease: People with severe periodontal disease already have severely damaged gums and teeth, and oral irrigator factory may further irritate the damaged periodontal tissue, causing bleeding, pain, or loosening of the teeth.

3. Children under 8 years old/seniors over 70 years old: Children and seniors have different oral health status than adults. Children under the age of eight have relatively delicate teeth and gums, making it difficult to control the impact force when water flosser wholesale, which can lead to gum damage. People over the age of 70 May experience problems such as loose teeth, weak teeth or receding gums, which may be exacerbated by water flosser wholesale. Except for the above three categories, everyone else can floss, so don't worry.


Be wary of false claims from merchants, even people who are good at water flosser wholesale need to be vigilant. Although most businesses advertise that their products are good for your teeth and gums, in fact, not many products can actually achieve this effect, and some products even carry a serious risk of tooth damage.
1. Look for brands with strong technical strength: oral irrigator wholesale is a lot and the poor quality of miscellaneous brands is well known, but what many people don't know is that even branded products have no technical strength. Brands without technical strength are mostly popular online celebrity brands or cross-border brands. Their products are produced on Oems and all funds are used for marketing and promotion. For the pulse frequency range and pressure stability that affect the core performance of the oral irrigator wholesale, the fineness of the water outlet does not require any technical adjustment and optimization, and the tooth damage rate is 300% higher than that of professional products. For those with technical prowess, this is not the case. The professional technical research and development team and deep technical accumulation provide a strong technical guarantee for the high degree of crowd matching and comprehensive experience of the product. Compared with the brand without technical strength, the overall performance of its products is more than 80% better, so pay attention to screening when buying.


2. High product compatibility: In order to meet the needs of different oral conditions, water flosser agency should have a large pressure range span, a variety of nozzle types and a reasonable pulse frequency setting to achieve a good cleaning effect. The greater the pressure range, the stronger the impact force, but the tolerance of the mouth and the use scenario must also be considered. In general, a pressure range between 40-140psi is the most appropriate.

3. Large tank capacity: In order to ensure that the cleaning time exceeds at least 1 minute and 20 seconds, we need 200-250ml of water. Therefore, choosing oral irrigator agency with a tank capacity of more than 250 ml can avoid the situation of insufficient water.


4. Choose a removable tank: this can facilitate the cleaning of the tank inside the water flosser dealer, and it is best to choose a product with a larger outlet of the tank, which is easier to clean.


5. Outlet type selection pulse: oral irrigator dealer outlet types include microbubble, ultrasonic and pulse. Microbubble mode is mild but has a poor cleaning effect, ultrasonic mode has a strong impact but can damage teeth, and pulse mode has a moderate impact but can provide better cleaning Results and comfort. Therefore, choosing pulsed water water flosser trader is a better choice.


6. The finer the diameter of the water flow, the better: the smaller the diameter of the water flow, the better the penetration into the mouth blind area for cleaning, the more concentrated the impact force, and the better cleaning effect. Therefore, when selecting, it should be ensured that the diameter of the water flow is in the range of 0.55-0.7mm.


Choosing a high-quality dental oral irrigator trader with strong technical strength and good reputation is very important for oral health. On the contrary, poor quality products may have problems such as inaccurate drainage, too much or too little impact force, resulting in insufficient tooth cleaning, and even damage to oral tissue. Therefore, choosing a good oral irrigator trader and using it correctly can be very beneficial to our oral health.

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